
  • Fernando Prado


    A planning prodigy of W+K Sao Paulo, Fernando isn’t just emotionally intelligent, he‘s intelligently intelligent. An insightful judge of both consumer data and creative ideas - and how the latter can transform the former.

  • Henry Scott


    Henry is a creative director, screenwriter and narrative designer. His ability to make up nonsense on demand is considered to be one of the greatest threats to AI as we know it.

Outside-in creativity

For each project we hand-pick a team of world-class creatives and cultural insiders - and bring your customers into the room to look at the work.

The longer you live in one place or work in a particular way, the easier it is to believe that everything around you has to be the way it is. Even if you know inside it doesn’t really work, it’s hard to imagine doing things another way - and might even get you in trouble if you try it and it doesn’t pay off.

With Parade, you’ll quickly find your that own experiences - of work, or ads, or gaming, or dating, or sport - are suddenly just one of many possibilities. These diverse perspectives help organisations unlearn their helplessness. And help curious minds thrive. Just five days together will make you feel like you’ve done the best work of your life.


Out of the 7.8 billion brains on this planet, what are the odds that the exact ones you need all work at the same ad agency?

Thanks to the unique way we’re structured, we’re free to work with the best,. Not just with who’s available. Whether the job calls for specialist local insight or an outsider’s fresh eyes, we have a network of over 450 writers, art directors, designers, illustrators, editors and audio wizards around the world.


Because data and insight aren’t the same as actual knowledge

The outside-in creative approach is about bringing unusual voices into the room - people who’s lived experience, knowledge or connections will inject fresh credibility into the process. Our experts can take many forms - but each of them makes it harder for the usual preconceptions and assumptions to survive. No more rooms full of thirty-five year olds debating which music ‘the kids’ are into these days.