uma clinic 

A brand built to break taboos. Beautifully.

Cosmetic medicine is huge. But so are the taboos around it. We helped UMA - an Amsterdam clinic and teaching academy - build a brand that could face these fears head on. We focussed on real people with real stories. And across social media, we built  a world where cosmetic treatments don’t make you look like someone else - they let you be more of the person you already are.  . 

Levi & Fan - two powerful ambassadors

For some of us, just being yourself is an act of intense courage. Nobody represented this more than Levi and Fan - clients of the clinic who had the courage to not change who they were, no matter how the outside world saw them. Instead of launching the clinic with our story, we launched with theirs. 

Breaking industry codes,
one shot at a time

Harper’s Bazaar partnership

To get Fan and Levi’s stories read more widely, we harnessed some local star power. We set up an interview and shoot with Game of Throne’s Carice Van Houten for Harper’s Bazaar - providing the magazine with amazing content in return for media space,.

All about the audience

The people having treatments don’t look like you think they do. We set out to change perceptions - and make Uma’s clients feel great - by turning them into models for our campaign.

Making expertise beautiful

People aren’t going to trust their face to a lifestyle brand, no matter how arty it might be. So we made sure to make the brand world big enough to include clinical imagery and writing.